BioChar and Agriculture
VITAL Blend improved Hops yield in Michigan
In early 2017, we applied VITAL Blend granular and VITAL Blend 5M liquid soil amendments to young hop plants in a couple of rows on Bell’s Brewery demo plot. The plantings were done near the Kalamazoo location of Bell’s Brewery. We top-dressed the granular applications near the base of the plants and then used a…
Read MoreCEC and BioChar
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and BioChar are mentioned together in soil improvement discussions – How are they connected? Negative & Positive Attractions Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is the soil’s ability to attract, retain and exchange positively-charged cations (cat-i-on). Like a magnet’s attraction to iron, the negatively-charged soil particles will attract and hold the positively charged…
Read MoreGet Your Soil Healthy with NAKED Char
NAKED Char is the way to go and we’re not talking clothing optional. Because urban soil is predominately low in organic matter, it is unable to maintain an environment that is sustainable for plant and tree growth and that is where the American BioChar Company comes in. Unless you are regularly amending your soil with…
Read MoreNatural Synergy in Soil Microbiology and VITAL Blend soil amendment
Synergy This is the interaction between two or more components whose results are greater than the sum of their individual parts. A good example of synergy is how sea anemones are benefitted (and vice versa) by the presence of clownfish – each protecting the other. Another example is our bodies need for both vitamin D…
Read MoreVITAL Blend for Healthy Soils and Vigorous Plants
VITAL Blend is a soil amendment that combines pure activated BioChar with freshwater-sourced Humates. Our Humate is OMRI Listed and our BioChar is USDA Certified Biobased. By using VITAL Blend, you will create healthier crops, turf, trees & landscape plants, enhance soils by increasing soil microbe populations, and reduce your carbon footprint. What is Humate? Humate…
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