"The Beauty Above Comes From The Science Below"

Posts Tagged ‘humic acid’

Spring Rains bring Pussywillows

In late March/early April, Pussywillows push out silky gray-white catkins on mahogany colored branches. Pussywillows are a type of willow (Salix), all of which grow fast and have separate male & female trees.  The Pussywillow does not have a typical flower; the silvery hairs insulate the female part (pistil) and the male part (stamen) against…

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VITAL Blend improved Hops yield in Michigan

In early 2017, we applied VITAL Blend granular and VITAL Blend 5M liquid soil amendments to young hop plants in a couple of rows on Bell’s Brewery demo plot. The plantings were done near the Kalamazoo location of Bell’s Brewery. We top-dressed the granular applications near the base of the plants and then used a…

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